Winner of Art of Camping - SPLORE Festival 2014

'Sit with me, remind me I'm great'  - Giant park bench installation. 
Park benches hold the magical quality of getting us to stop, sit, reflect and talk to each other. This Bright Calm City installation was on show at SPLORE Festival 2014, New Zealand’s biggest music and arts festival, and won the Art of Camping award. 

The installation was a giant 6 metre long and 3 metre high wooden park bench for festival guests to grab someone they love, sit and share 3 things that make them amazing to you.  Creating a positive space for couples, families and mates to remind each other they’re great and loved right now.

HUMAN CONNECTION - Exhibited at The Big Day Out, NZ, 2014.

This Bright Calm City digital installation took an industrial structure and softened it with words that reach out to passersby, creating a human connection through the most unlikely channel. 

Taking over a digital road sign to generate personal words to resonate with anyone traveling past; whether you’re walking, cycling, jogging or driving. It was live for 3 days in the build up to the much awaited Big Day Out music festival in Auckland, New Zealand. 

MAKE MY HEART FLUTTER - Auckland Waterfront Installation.

You can feel a positive space the moment you step into it. It’s the energy of people that constantly create that flutter of joy in an area and also within each other. 
 This Bright Calm City installation creates a visual representation of that joy, a giant heart shaped steel structure, lined with brightly coloured flower windmills. It invites people to interact, passing on their energy to bring the heart and space to life. The natural wind through the structure also brings the windmills to life, creating a constantly moving installation fuelled by the energy of people and nature.